Monday, July 25, 2011

Lavishness Is Sooooooo Last Year!

The fashion industry has not been exempt from the wrath of the global economic crisis and thus we have witnessed various alterations for these exhibitors of style. Fashion magazines are vying for greater ad layouts and using the mass appeal of celebrities to increase sales and profits. Luxury designers are experiencing the weight of potential foreclosures and in turn have opted for a more cost-effective means of artistic expression. Today, fashion greats such as Vera Wang, Karl Lagerfeld, and Jean Paul Gaultier have partnered with department stores Kohls, Macy's and Target, respectively, to offset the loses they are experiencing on the "high-end".

It seems a bit ironic that an industry based on the glamour of inaccessibility is forced to perform the same checks and balances that everyday citizens endure. Yet, due to the basic principals of supply and demand, the same industry that dictates our trends has now fallen to the will of the people.

Don't get me wrong, I am not exempt from the overwhelming gaiety any fashion aficionado feels in the presence of Chanel, Louboutin, and Prada. There is a sense of accomplishment that is highlighted when given the opportunity or achieving the success to obtain such rare and luxurious pieces. Yet, until both we as individuals and the global economy are financially tuned enough to keep up with the Jones', the more fiscally fabulous clothing options will do just nicely. "Fiscally fabulous" - sounds better than "economical", "cheaper", or "discounted" right!

(Picture provided by

1 comment:

  1. This article is very true I too have notices Vera Wang and Lauren Conrads new line in Khols and am excited that I can afford those items. However, I also find myself shopping around in thrift stores and consignment shops to find trendy high end labels at affordable prices. And an opportunity to purchase something that I won't see on everyone else. Keep up the great posts!
